Hingerty YDNA Project Report September 2023
What we know now that we didn't know before: 1. All Hingertys are related . We have now tested 11 Hingerty males who represent at least 2 male testers from each of the 4 existing Hingerty lines who have males alive today. They all match each other on both STR and SNP testing. That is, they all share a common direct male ancestor. 2. The Time to Most Distant Common Ancestor (TMDCA) is currently estimated to be around 1717 . This date may change as more testers are tested and more data becomes available. 3. Using this current date of 1717 as a ball park figure and estimating the number of generations needed to 'fill in the gaps' from the known most distant ancestors of each of the 4 lines, we can guesstimate that the Hingerty testers are about 7th or 8th cousins to each other. 4. Our Hingerty testers match (more distantly) Harrington males from Cork . This supports the hypothesis that we were all originally of the O'Hingerdell clan which occupied lands in the Cork townl...