
Showing posts from July, 2024

What was our Clan Chief Wearing in 1600?

  Created by CH and ChatGPT Having discovered that our surname links us to an ancient Irish clan, I have often wondered what our clan chief would have looked like? I suppose in my mind he would have looked like the image here to the left...... but how accurate is this image???? I know very little about the origins of our clan. What little I do know I shared in a previous blog  Link to previous post The first clan chief to be mentioned in a document (to my current knowledge) is Thady O Hingerdell "called O Hingerdell" i.e. he is the clan chief. He is found in a list of other clan leaders from the Cork area in a government decree called a Fiant (Fiant 3038) for 1577. They had been granted a pardon from the Crown with the payment of a fine of one cow. I do not know Thady's age in 1577, but the next mention of a chief for our clan is in relation to The Great March of the O'Sullivans on New Years Eve 1602. Is Thady still the clan chief? To find out more about the Great Mar