One in a Million!

 How many Hingerty name bearers are alive today?

There are about 90 people with the name Hingerty on Facebook- including me!

Chris Hingerty
Facebook Profile photo- Chris Hingerty

In 2014:

According to the website Forebears in 2014:

There were approximately 115 people in the world with the surname Hingerty. 

That makes Hingerty the 1,701,480th most common name in the world. 

Not very common at all! 

Hingerty is classified as a rare surname.

The surname is most prevalent in Ireland. 

30% of all Hingerty in 2015 Hingertys resided in the USA and 23% in Australia.

Living in Australia with 26 name bearers makes me One in a Million!

If you are one of the 35 Hingertys living in the USA you are even rarer- 1 in 10 million

12 in England- 1 in 4.6 million.

1 in Scotland- 1 in 5.3 million.

41 in Ireland- 1 in 115 thousand.

If your surname is Hingerty 

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