Denis and Patrick: Are They Brothers?
Why do we think that Denis and Patrick were brothers?
I have found no direct documentary evidence that they were brothers.......
Online trees that have them as brothers have no sources for the relationship.
They were both married in the Monsea, Tipperary area in a similar time period.
Denis married on 6 February 1834 with residence listed as Loghorna. I have been unable to find this location on Google maps- there is a Lahorna.... could this be the same place?? Witnesses to the marriage were Patrick Hogan and Mary Wh (indecipherable).
Patrick married on 25 February 1835 with residence listed as Drumineer which is 1 1/4 hour walk from both Monsea and Lahorna (opposite directions). Witnesses to his marriage were William Gleeson and Catherine Quirke.
Therefore, while they were both married in the Monsea parish area, it does not appear that they were both living in the same immediate area and did not share close friends or relations as witnesses to the nuptials, nor were they witnesses for each other.
Were they ever sponsors for each other's children?
(* Who is the Mary Hingerty who was sponsor for Denis and Anne's child in 1835? Did Denis and Patrick have a sister Mary??? Always more questions than answers......)
There does seem to be later family oral history to support their relationship. CP, a descendant of Patrick reports that her father (WH) born about 100 years after Patrick, described the Hingertys of Lancashire (descendants of Denis) as second cousins once or twice removed.
How can we clarify their relationship?
YDNA testing has shown that both lines do share the Most Recent Common Ancestor of all Hingerty males "Father Hingerty" born in the early 1700s.
So, how do they connect back to "Father Hingerty"?
Are they brothers or are they cousins?
YDNA testing a second Hingerty male on Denis' line and a second Hingerty male on Patrick's line has the potential to clarify the relationship between Denis and Patrick and their relationship to "Father Hingerty".
Can we find a male on each line willing to take a simple mouth swab?
If you have any evidence of the relationship between Denis and Patrick, please make contact...
If you are a Hingerty male on either of these lines, please make contact- I will arrange for a YDNA test post haste!!!
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